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Genetic Technologies Signs Multi-Year US Distribution Agreement for COVID Risk Test

Melbourne, Australia, March 3, 2021: Genetic Technologies Limited (ASX: GTG; NASDAQ: GENE, “Company”, “GTG”), a diversified...

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Tags: riskassessment, genetictesting, geneticrisk,

Watch the GeneType Video
By GeneType On February 24, 2021

Watch the GeneType Video

Check out our latest video to learn more about who we are and how our technology can help you and your health.

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Tags: breastcancer, cancer, genetictesting,

What’s your weight got to do with your breast cancer risk?

What’s your weight got to do with your breast cancer risk?

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Tags: breastcancer, cancer, riskassessment,

What type of colorectal cancer screening options do I have?

What type of colorectal cancer screening options do I have?

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Tags: cancer, riskassessment, genetics,

Proactive steps for breast cancer risk reduction: Part 3

Part 3: Proactive steps for breast cancer risk reduction: How can I help reduce my breast cancer risk?

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Tags: cancer, riskassessment, genetics,

Proactive steps for breast cancer risk reduction: Part 2

Part 2: Proactive steps for breast cancer risk reduction: What type of breast screening should I get?

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Tags: cancer, riskassessment, genetics,

Proactive steps for breast cancer risk reduction: Part 1

Part 1: Proactive steps for breast cancer risk reduction: When should I start screening?

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Tags: breastcancer, cancer, riskassessment,

What is a false-positive mammogram?

What is a false-positive mammogram?

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Tags: cancer, riskassessment, genetics,

Should I get a BRCA Test?
By GeneType On December 10, 2020

Should I get a BRCA Test?

Should I get a BRCA test?

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Tags: cancer, riskassessment, genetictesting,

How Genetics Influence my Breast Cancer Risk

Genetics influence my breast cancer risk?

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Tags: cancer, riskassessment, genetictesting,